Greetings from Germany

Voor alles wat met de HTM trams te maken heeft

Greetings from Germany

Berichtdoor MrLemey » 30 apr 2018 23:01

Hello to you,
I'm not aware of nederland as a language but never the less I would like to send you the following picture of your tram 4066.
I took it today in Braunschweig (Germany) on the parking of Alstom (company).

Here you can see it:

Please let me know, if you want to see more pictures.

Best regards
Berichten: 2
Geregistreerd: 28 apr 2018 22:39

Re: Greetings from Germany

Berichtdoor Slagathor » 01 mei 2018 10:30

Wat een treurig gezicht! De 4066 raakte in december betrokken bij een kop-staartbotsing.

What a sad sight! The 4066 was involved a head-tail collision in December.
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Re: Greetings from Germany

Berichtdoor Tiktak » 01 mei 2018 15:44

Staat waarschijnlijk op sloopspoor, op google kun je als de satelliet klikt het fabriekscomplex zien van Alstom.
Heel de omgeving geeft daar een droevig aanzien. Rangeer terreinen van de spoorwegen overwoekert door wildgroei van de natuur.
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Geregistreerd: 17 jan 2010 17:33
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Re: Greetings from Germany

Berichtdoor MrLemey » 01 mei 2018 15:59

As far as I understood it by Google Translate you assume that the train will be scrapped.

I don't have official information about this, but on the area of Alstom are many trains, also waiting for maintenance:

Maybe the tram will get repared...?
Berichten: 2
Geregistreerd: 28 apr 2018 22:39

Re: Greetings from Germany

Berichtdoor Admin » 03 mei 2018 20:47

No it won't. It was severely damaged (beyond economical repair) in a collision (hence the missing part) so technically, the remains you've spotted in Braunschweig are now owned by the insurance company. The reason it still exists is for spare parts or, should another accident occur, completion of the vehicle with an undamaged section of another tram. Given the fact that only Kassel and Den Haag have this type in service, there's a likelihood it'll end up on the Kassel network at some point.

Accidentally, I spotted trams 4044, 4045 and 4047 within minutes on line 3 this afternoon.
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Re: Greetings from Germany

Berichtdoor Randstadfan » 21 apr 2019 21:08

Hij is weer in dienst! Reed vandaag zijn rondjes op lijn 4 8-)
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Geregistreerd: 14 nov 2012 00:32

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